In 1984, Peter and Mary Gregory created the Retirement Home For Horses, Inc., a nonprofit sanctuary for old, abused, and abandoned horses in Alachua, Florida. RHH at Mill Creek provides lifetime care to elderly horses seized by law enforcement agencies, rescued by the SPCA or humane societies, as well as horses retired from government service such as police patrol or state and federal parks.

There are not enough Thank You’s to express our gratitude to RHH at Millcreek for giving our senior horses a safe, beautiful and loving place to live out their years. Many of our rescue horses are discarded senior horses. Once we bring them back to good health, they are adoptable, but as “companion only” horses. Adopters seeking companion only horses are few and far between. Thanks to the blessing of RHH, our Senior horses now have an opportunity to literally live in greener pastures for the balance of their lives.