What is a SFSPCA Volunteer?
It’s a very special individual who doesn’t necessarily know anything about horses, and may even have a fear of them, but takes the initiative to sign up, show up and become willing to learn for the sake of the rescued animal. They go through the orientation and buy their boots and SPCA gear to represent the horses they love. It’s a person who freely offers their time, donations, sweat, tears, weaknesses, strengths and smiles in order to advance the well-being of a forgotten, abused, neglected, starved and/or injured horse and help bring life and spirit back to its body. They groom, graze, bathe, shovel, push, pull, tear down, rebuild, wash, scrub, organize, sweep, hammer, lift, dump, pour and any other thing necessary to keep the stables maintained, safe and cozy for our furry friends. They get stinky and dirty, and love every minute of it!
SFSPCA Volunteers experience many emotions:
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Joy – like when Defense Team took his first gallop through the yard (above left);
Sadness – like when Ginger lost her baby (above center);
Hope – like when Charlie got his prosthetic eye (above right);
[one_third] [/one_third] [one_third]
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Happiness – like when Donatello got adopted (above left);
Anger – like when a horse like Champ doesn’t make it (above center);
Fear (overcoming it) – like touching a horse such as Gretchen (who was terrified of humans) and establishing a bond created by trust (above right).
If this sounds like you and you would like to become a SFSPCA Volunteer, please CLICK HERE.