SPCA News2022-06-07T17:24:32-04:00


It seems like every day is a News Day at the SFSPCA, but there are definitely moments in time that are more noteworthy than others. For the highlights enjoy the news stories on this page. To follow us more on the daily, follow our Social Media, and if you really want to be part of the journey, join us on Patreon!

901, 2019

Operation Noah’s Ark strains SFSPCA with 200+ animal rescue

January 9, 2019|Animal Cruelty, Animal Welfare, Fundraising, Livestock Rescue, SFSPCA News|

"We're going to need a bigger boat." As 2018 drew to a close, South Florida SPCA Horse Rescue (SFSPCA) was teeming with a full house of 60 rescue horses and livestock (including the group’s first camel), straining the ranch staff and volunteers physically, and the organization financially. Then, just before [...]

312, 2018

FIU Pre-Vet Society visits SFSPCA for off-campus learning & work experience

December 3, 2018|Community Outreach, Education, Events, SFSPCA News, Volunteering|

Scrubbing, sweeping, dusting and cleaning... It was all a labor of love, rewarded with hands-on and bonding time with the rescues for FIU Pre-Vet Society members at our ranch yesterday. SFSPCA's Education/Outreach Coordinator, herself an FIU alumna, gave an informative presentation about our history and mission to the group. Then, [...]

1711, 2018

Friends and Partners: The Difference Between Life and Death for the Horses

November 17, 2018|SFSPCA News|

By Kathleen Monahan I can’t believe I just marked my three-year anniversary as president of South Florida SPCA (SFSPCA). My husband and I had been avid horse lovers for years, but the active life that came with our sons, dogs, and cats seemed to eat every minute of the clock. [...]

907, 2018

South Florida SPCA Horse Rescue Takes in Record Number of Farm Animals in Neglect Case

July 9, 2018|Animal Cruelty, Horse Rescue, Livestock Rescue, SFSPCA News|

JULY 9, 2018 - HOMESTEAD, FL: It’s the rainy season of a very different kind at South Florida SPCA Horse Rescue. The equine welfare organization just took in 27 farm animals, including 18 sheep, six cows, one horse, one mini horse and a donkey in a neglect case in Southwest [...]

506, 2018

Cushman School students cap fundraising effort with visit to SFSPCA

June 5, 2018|Community Outreach, Education, Fundraising, SFSPCA News, Volunteering|

It was a day of learning and loving for 22 middle school students from Miami's Cushman School at South Florida SPCA on Monday, June 4, 2018. The group – along with English teacher Mark Field, students' parents and school staff members – were welcomed to the rescue ranch for an [...]

1405, 2018

Ummm, that’s not a horse…

May 14, 2018|Animal Adoption, SFSPCA News|

Nope. Definitely not a horse. That's Stella Star, an adorable potbellied pig. Yes, you read that right. South Florida SPCA Horse Rescue saves pigs and other animals that don't fall into the usual domestic pet category. Our most unusual? Emus... But that's a story for another day. Back to Stella. [...]

1105, 2018

Top 2 things that save horses’ lives… Can you guess?

May 11, 2018|Fundraising, Horse Health, Horse Rescue, SFSPCA News|

If you guessed Feed & Veterinary Care, you were right! We've been told the transformations of many our horses after we have rehabilitated them are nothing short of miraculous. And, while we have witnessed many incredible comebacks, at the heart of their success stories is simply nutritious feed and proper [...]

2901, 2018

Members and Volunteers Meet and Learn at SFSPCA Rescue Ranch

January 29, 2018|Education, Events, Horse Training, SFSPCA News, Volunteering|

A fresh new vibe is in the air at South Florida SPCA Horse Rescue, and it was enjoyed first-hand by our members and volunteers on Saturday, January 27, 2018 at a ranch Meet-and-Greet & Complimentary Horse Training Clinic with Ginger Krenz. Krenz, SFSPCA's Volunteer Coordinator, is also a natural horsemanship [...]

1001, 2018

Local trainer Ginger Young Krenz takes reins of SFSPCA volunteer program

January 10, 2018|Education, Horse Adoption, Horse Training, SFSPCA News, Volunteering|

Ginger Young Krenz pictured above with Liza at SFSPCA. Krenz riding with acclaimed trainer Josh Lyons. (JANUARY 10 2017 - HOMESTEAD, FL)  South Florida SPCA Horse Rescue announces that Ginger Young Krenz, a local trainer and longtime supporter of SFSPCA, has taken the reins of the organization's volunteer [...]

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